The RadioReference Database Web Service is an SOAP (Simple Object Application Protocol) XML based Web service which allows integration of applications and other Web services using RadioReference Database data. The API is completely free to use by developers, however an API key is required, and end users of the API must have an active premium subscription to access the data through the API.
Application developers can provide users complete access to data through their own applications. From software applications to automatically program a user's scanner based on their location, to alternative display mechanisms of RadioReference data, the SOAP API provides all the methods needed to develop a robust and exciting set applications.
The Database Web Service service is currently documented using the following WSDL:
Documentation and endpoint version information can be found here:
A list of applications that support the Web service and further details can be found at:
Requesting An API Key
An API key is required to utilize the Web service. If you wish to apply for an API key to get started developing applications to use RadioReference data, please submit a support request to us at and we will work with you to get an API key issued.
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